5 effective ways to reduce procrastination

5 effective ways to reduce procrastination

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer

This saying is indeed true. We all wish to be more productive and happy, but we mostly forget what it takes to be our productive selves.
Being productive can help us do our work effectively. Here are some ways which can help us increase our productivity to the max and help us reduce procrastination

1. Start your day effectively: Studies say that the first 90 minutes of our day define our whole day, so we should spend the first 90 minutes doing the most important tasks. Making your bed first thing in the morning, doing exercise daily, journaling, and making a to-do list for the whole day can give you clarity about your schedule and it can help you be the most productive throughout the day.

2. Apply the one-minute rule: We often think about doing a lot of things but we end up doing nothing at the end of the day because we often tend to procrastinate a lot. One minute rule is the most effective technique to reduce procrastination and improve our productivity. This rule says that whenever we think of doing something, we should start doing it in just one minute because if we keep thinking about that task, we know what happens!

3. Take breaks in between completing the tasks: Being too busy to take a break is a surefire sign that you need to slow down and press pause. Taking small breaks in between work can increase our productivity and creativity too. Taking breaks helps to process and retain information better, it helps us understand the bigger picture. These things will ultimately combine to enable you to work more productively and effectively.

4. Plan your day the night before: Planning our day the night before helps us know our schedule and tasks for the next day. It helps us organize our tasks and work effectively and helps us reach our goals.

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5. Give up on the illusion of perfection: We often tend to do our work perfectly. The reality is nothing is ever perfect. Rather than wasting time running after perfectionism, we should start our work. Start by taking baby steps. It's better to start the task and move to the next step.


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