The Designated 'Whatever' Journal you need

Boss Lady Notebooks by Color the Moments

Do you remember carrying a rough notebook with you in school? That notebook that used to be so polished in the beginning but was soon wrecked by our random notes, doodles, signatures, and childhood games? Well, here is a sign for you to bring that notebook back into your life. 

A ‘whatever’ notebook is a plain journal that you should carry with you at all times. This notebook will act as your second brain. You can note down anything in this notebook. Here is why having a ‘whatever’ notebook is important: 

1. To write down random ideas: The human brain processes almost 60,000-90,000 processes each day, and most of these thoughts are irrelevant to us. But, occasionally, some amazing creative ideas pop into our heads. The thing is that if we don’t write our ideas down, they will remain mere thoughts. To solidify an idea and actually work on it, you need to first get it out of your head and onto pen and paper. Write your ideas down in this notebook instantly, before you forget them. 

2. To keep your mind from wandering: When we are working on tasks that require our complete attention, like studying, it’s natural for our mind to wander. How many times has a random question led you to the Google black hole? While performing tasks that need your full focus, use this notebook to create a list of the thoughts and tasks that pop up in your head, so that you can tackle them later on. Just jot these distractions down as they arrive, and you will realize that after some time you can focus more on the task at hand.

3. To journal when you are stressed out: We never know when those moments of extreme anxiety (or extreme anger) might hit us. Whenever you are going through something unexpected, take out this notebook and write down how you feel. Write whatever comes to your mind. You will be surprised how better you would feel once you put your thoughts down on paper. Journaling is one of the best tools for soothing and calming an anxious mind. Don’t let yourself react to a bitter situation, rather analyze it and decide the best way to respond. 

4. To write down something urgent: How often has it happened that you needed to write down a phone number and didn’t have a notepad around? Those very annoying and embarrassing moments where people assume you to be a wunderkind who will remember every single detail of every single task can happen anytime. It’s best to always carry a rough notebook with you to stay on top of these random bouts of information and write things down immediately.

5. To build your creativity: This notebook doesn’t just need to include work-related tasks and intel. Use it as a canvas that will help you to rekindle your creativity. Doodle on it, redraw the random images near you, write down any poetry that comes to mind, and write down your favorite quotes. Whatever sparks your interests and inspires you. Use this notebook as a safe space to share your expressions and opinions. 

Regularly revisit this journal to keep up with the random tasks you thought you had to work on and the ideas you have. Have a weekly ritual of organizing anything written in this notebook so that you don’t just write something and forget about it. 


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